
northern emerald dragonfly (4)

Northern emerald dragonfly


The northern emerald (Somatochlora arctica) is a middle-sized species of dragonfly first described by Johan Wilhelm Zetterstedt in 1840. The ...

brown hawker dragonfly (1)

Brown Hawker Dragonfly


  The brown hawker (Aeshna grandis) is a large dragonfly about 73 millimetres (2.9 in) long. It is a distinctive species ...

four spotted chaser (5)

Four-spotted chaser


When to see it It flies from mid May to mid August. Life History Sexually active males are highly territorial ...

common blue damselfly habitat & life cycle (5)

Common blue damselfly habitat & life cycle


Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum) The most common and abundant blue Damselfly found near a most diverse range of water ...

emperor dragonfly is a very large (5)

Emperor dragonfly | is a very large


  Britain’s bulkiest Dragonfly.   Male: Sky blue abdomen with a central dark line.   Female: Green abdomen with a central dark line. ...

migrant hawker dragonfly (4)

Migrant hawker dragonfly


Prior to the 1980s historic records show that this species was, as its name suggests, a migrant to VC 55. ...

eastern pondhawk dragonflies life cycle & facts (3)

Eastern Pondhawk Dragonflies life cycle & Facts


The eastern pondhawk is a common and well-known large dragonfly of ponds and other standing water. It is in the ...

widow skimmer dragonfly interesting facts (5)

widow skimmer dragonfly interesting facts


Mature males have a large basal area of brown on each of the four wings, and each wing also has ...

southern hawker dragonfly life cycle & habitat facts (6)

southern hawker dragonfly life cycle & Habitat facts


  In Britain the Southern Hawker can usually be seen on the wing from mid June to mid October. The female ...