Brightly coloured and fast flying, dragonflies are among our most impressive insects. Read on to discover a range of facts about these mighty minibeasts.
What do dragonflies eat?
Dragonflies eat other insects, such as flies, midges and mosquitoes. They will also take butterflies and even smaller dragonflies. Prey is normally caught in mid-air, with the dragonfly using its long legs to catch its quarry. the food will them be carried to a perch where it is eaten.
What Do Dragonflies Eat?
Dragonflies are carnivorous insects that primarily feed on other small insects.
- Mosquitoes: Dragonflies often prey on mosquitoes, both in their larval and adult stages.
- Flies: They consume various species of flies, helping control their population.
- Butterflies: Dragonflies occasionally eat butterflies, usually catching them during flight.
- Moths: Moths, especially the smaller species, are also part of their diet.
- Bees: Dragonflies sometimes prey on bees, typically catching them in mid-air.
- Ants: Ants are consumed particularly by dragonfly nymphs (juveniles).
- Other Dragonflies: Dragonflies are known for their cannibalistic behavior, often preying on smaller or weaker dragonflies.
- Small Fish: Dragonfly nymphs, which are aquatic, can feed on small fish or tadpoles.
- Tadpoles: As mentioned, tadpoles are also part of the diet of dragonfly nymphs.
How do Dragonflies Eat?
Dragonflies are predators that primarily eat other small insects. They catch their prey while in flight using their legs, which form a basket-like structure.
- Dragonflies spot their prey using their nearly 360-degree vision.
- They fly towards the prey and capture it with their legs.
- They use their strong mandibles to crush and chew the prey.
- Some large dragonflies can even eat small fish or tadpoles.
- They consume the entire prey, often while still in flight.

What do Dragonflies Drink?
Dragonflies are insects that primarily consume water for hydration. They also obtain some moisture from the prey they eat.
- Water: Dragonflies drink water for hydration.
- Moisture from prey: They also obtain moisture from the insects and other small creatures they consume.
FAQs about Dragonflies
1. How often do Dragonflies eat?
Dragonflies eat quite frequently, typically consuming several meals a day depending on the availability of prey.
2. How long can a Dragonflies live without eating?
A Dragonfly can survive for a few days without eating but the exact duration depends on its species and environmental conditions.
3. What do Larvae Dragonflies eat?
Larvae Dragonflies, also known as nymphs, primarily eat small aquatic insects and other invertebrates. They can also consume small fish and tadpoles.
Do Dragonflies Eat Dirt?
Dragonflies do not eat dirt, they are carnivorous and we will discuss further what they enjoy eating and what they need to eat to stay alive and to thrive overall.
What Do Dragonflies Like To Eat Most?
Other dragonflies
Dragonflies are totally carnivorous, this means that they eat meat and only meat. Since they are so small, they tend to eat other insects that are smaller than them or that they can easily catch. They tend to go for other flying insects as they are also airborne most of the time. Dragonflies are notorious hunters and will eat up to their own body weight in other insects through the course of a day.

Dragonfly larvae are just as big of eaters as their parents. A dragonfly larva will hunt out and eat other larvae that are in the water with then until they are able to take flight and catch other flying insects. Dragonfly larvae hunt and eat beetles, mosquito larvae, worms, tadpoles, and even worms. In some cases, for very large larvae of larger species, they will even eat very small fish.
The jaw of a dragonfly larva is very flexible and has hooks on it that help to catch the food as it passes. They lay in wait and as their prey swims or floats past, the lower jaw shoots out and catches the prey, and draws it back into the mouth. For adult dragonflies, the hunt is a bit simpler. They fly and open their mouths to consume their prey mid-flight. If they have a larger prey, they might use their legs to help hold it while they bite chunks.
Dragonflies are equal opportunity when it comes to hunting. They will literally hunt and eat anything that they can find and anything that is not larger than them. They tend to stalk their prey before they eat it and do eat all day, multiple times a day. They will eat whenever and wherever they can.
Foods That Dragonflies Should Avoid
Poisonous bugs
Some plants
Insects that are larger and can fight back
Dragonflies are rather tough so to speak when it comes to eating. There are very few insects that they cannot eat or that are dangerous for them to eat. For the most part, there are not really that many insects that are dangerous for dragonflies to eat, save for those that are obviously poisonous to anything that eats them.
The real danger for dragonflies comes from those animals that are larger than them and that can ultimately eat them. When a dragonfly sets out to eat prey, it can be dangerous in that they might pick prey that is larger than them, prey that is going to fight back, or prey that they cannot take down on their own. An adult dragonfly is a rather good judge of what they can handle and what they can take on and in most cases, they are not going to try to take down an insect that they cannot get the better of.
They do have some enemies, birds like to eat dragonflies and when they are hunting they do need to keep track of birds and try to avoid them. In most cases, a dragonfly is not going to go anywhere near a bird and they are going to be fine when hunting. Since they are carnivorous, they cannot eat plants and they will avoid them as their digestive system is not built to process and handle plant matter as a form of food.Dragonflies are not meant to be kept as pets, but if you do have a dragonfly as a pet you should make sure you feed them plenty of small flying bugs that they can hunt and catch on their own.
Introduction to Dragonflies: The Voracious Predators

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Dragonflies are fascinating creatures. Their shimmering wings, swift flight, and astounding hunting skills make them a spectacle to behold. Yet, few people truly understand the intriguing life of these insects, especially when it comes to their diet. So, what do dragonflies eat? This comprehensive guide will delve into the diverse dietary habits of dragonflies, exploring both their aquatic nymphal stage and their adult terrestrial stage.
What Is a Dragonfly?
Dragonflies are insects belonging to the order Odonata, which translates to “toothed one” in Greek. This name refers to their jaw’s serrated structure. These insects go through a complete metamorphosis, which means they have an egg, nymph, and adult stage in their life cycle. Their diet varies depending on the stage of their life cycle, their species, and their environment.
Nymph Stage: The Aquatic Hunters
Dragonflies start their life as nymphs or larvae, living underwater. This stage can last from a few months to a few years, depending on the species and the environmental conditions.
Diet of Dragonfly Nymphs
During this stage, dragonfly nymphs are predatory and eat a variety of aquatic organisms. Small nymphs feed on tiny aquatic invertebrates, while as they grow, their diet expands to include larger prey such as tadpoles, fish, and even other dragonfly nymphs. They are indiscriminate hunters, seizing any creature small enough for them to handle.

The Hunting Mechanism of Nymphs
A dragonfly nymph has a specialized lower lip, known as a labium, which it uses to capture its prey. This labium is designed to shoot out rapidly, grab the prey, and drag it back to its mandibles for consumption. Interestingly, the nymph’s hunting mechanism is powered by a hydraulic system driven by the creature’s own blood pressure.
Adult Stage: The Aerial Predators
After the nymph stage, dragonflies undergo metamorphosis to turn into adults. Adult dragonflies are terrestrial and are known for their exceptional flying abilities. They can fly at high speeds, hover in place, and even fly backward, making them excellent hunters.
Diet of Adult Dragonflies
As adults, dragonflies are primarily insectivores, meaning they eat other insects. They catch their prey mid-air using their spiny legs, which form a kind of basket to ensnare the insects. Their diet includes mosquitoes, flies, butterflies, bees, and even other dragonflies. Adult dragonflies can consume insects equivalent to their own body weight in a single day.
The Hunting Strategy of Adults
Adult dragonflies are opportunistic hunters, catching whatever prey is available. However, each species has its unique hunting technique. Some species are active hunters, spending their day flying around in search of food. Others are sit-and-wait predators, perching on a spot and waiting for the prey to come within their striking distance.
Do Dragonflies Drink?
While dragonflies get most of their water from the food they eat, they do drink to stay hydrated. They can drink from water surfaces or even droplets of dew.
Predators and Threats to Dragonflies
Even though dragonflies are formidable predators, they are not at the top of the food chain. They face threats from other aquatic insects, fish, and turtles during their nymph stage. As adults, they can become prey to birds, frogs, spiders, and other predatory insects. Even larger dragonflies can prey on smaller ones.
The Role of Dragonflies in the Ecosystem
Dragonflies play a crucial role in the ecosystem. As predators, they help control the population of other insects, including many pests like mosquitoes and flies. However, it’s essential to note that while dragonflies do consume mosquitoes, they cannot single-handedly control mosquito populations.

Conclusion: A Diverse Diet for a Diverse Creature
Understanding what dragonflies eat provides a glimpse into their world and their role in the ecosystem. These carnivorous creatures have a diverse diet that changes with their life stage and environment. From aquatic nymphs consuming tadpoles and small fish to adult dragonflies hunting other insects mid-air, these creatures are truly formidable predators. So, the next time you see a dragonfly hovering around, remember the complex life and fascinating dietary habits of these beautiful insects.
Q: Do dragonflies drink?
A: Yes, dragonflies drink from water surfaces or droplets of dew to stay hydrated.
Q: Are dragonflies carnivorous?
A: Yes, dragonflies are carnivorous. Both nymphs and adult dragonflies are predatory and consume a variety of organisms.
Q: What do dragonfly nymphs eat?
A: Dragonfly nymphs eat a variety of aquatic organisms, including tiny invertebrates, tadpoles, fish, and even other dragonfly nymphs.
Q: What do adult dragonflies eat?
A: Adult dragonflies are insectivores. They eat other insects including mosquitoes, flies, butterflies, bees, and even other dragonflies.
Q: Can dragonflies control mosquito populations?
A: While dragonflies do eat mosquitoes, they cannot single-handedly control mosquito populations. Dragonflies are an important part of the ecosystem and help control the population of various insects, but the availability of prey usually limits predator populations, not the other way around.