What is the difference between Dragonflies and Damselflies?
Dragonflies have a bulkier body shape compared to damselflies. Their bodies are shorter and thicker, while damselflies are more slender, with bodies that look as thin as a twig. The largest dragonfly that ever lived was said to have a wing span of 72 cm! Both dragonflies and damselflies have two pairs of wings.
A dragonfly is a flying insect belonging to the infraorder Anisoptera below the order Odonata. About 3,000 extant species of dragonflies are known. Most are tropical, with fewer species in temperate regions. Loss of wetland habitat threatens dragonfly populations around the world.
Damselflies are flying insects of the suborder Zygoptera in the order Odonata. They are similar to dragonflies but are usually smaller and have slimmer bodies. Most species fold the wings along the body when at rest, unlike dragonflies which hold the wings flat and away from the body.
What is the difference between Dragonflies and Damselflies?
Dragonflies and damselflies belong to the insect order known as Odonata, meaning “toothed jaw” – their mouthparts are serrated. They are often referred to collectively as “dragonflies”, however there are two different sub-orders.

Damselflies are insect in the sub-order Zygoptera (meaning “pair-winged” or “equal-winged”). All four wings are of a similar size and shape. They are usually small, weak-flying insects that stay close to the water margins or water surface. When at rest, most species fold their wings back along the length of their abdomen. The eyes are always separated, never touching. The larvae have external plates (lamellae) at the end of the abdomen, which act as accessory gills.
Dragonflies are insects in the sub-order Anisoptera (meaning “unequal-winged”). Their hind-wings are usually shorter and broader than their fore-wings. They are usually larger, strong-flying insects that can often be found well away from water. When at rest, they hold their wings out from the body, often at right angles to it. The eyes are very large and usually touch, at least at a point. The larvae have no external lamellae.
What is the difference between a Dragonfly and a Damselfly?
You can tell the difference at rest. Dragonflies have wings that are to the sides; damselflies have wings that are held upright.

Dragonflies and Damselflies: How to Tell the Difference
The fantastic weather is bringing out all kinds of wildlife, and this past week we have been inundated with damselflies and dragonflies around the loch. But how can you tell the difference between the two? We have a few handy tips to help you out!
Look at their wings when they are resting. Are they spread like an aeroplane, or closed together? Damselflies rest with their wings closed, and dragonflies the opposite, so this is a big give away!
How close together are their eyes? If you are fortunate enough to get an up close view of dragons and damsels, then you will notice that dragonflies have very large eyes that are close together, whereas damselflies have, though still large, smaller eyes with a gap in between.
Are they chunky or are they twig-like? Dragonflies have much chunkier and short bodies, and damsels are the opposite with and extremely long and narrow body.

What shape are their wings? This is probably the most difficult feature to observe, as sometimes they have disappeared before you get a chance to look. Damselflies have wings that are both the same size and shape, which taper where they attach to the body. Dragonflies, however, have different shaped fore and hind wings. Their hind wings are much broader and don’t taper so much where they attach to the body, giving them more of a plane look.
Differences Between Dragonflies and Damselflies
Both dragonflies and damselflies are typically found near freshwater and are commonly seen during warm, sunny days. And while they share some physical characteristics, there are four ways you can differentiate between the two.
- Dragonflies have much larger eyes than damselflies. A dragonfly’s eyes take up most of the insect’s head, wrapping around to the sides of its head. Damselflies also have large eyes, but they are smaller than a dragonfly’s and there is always a space between their eyes.
- Damselflies are smaller than dragonflies, with bodies that typically range between 1 1/2 inches and 2 inches, while dragonfly bodies are typically longer than 2 inches. Dragonflies also have thicker, bulkier bodies, while damselfly bodies are thin like a twig.
- Both dragonflies and damselflies have two sets of wings, but there are some distinct differences in their wings that can help differentiate between the two. Dragonflies have two sets of similar-sized wings, but the hind wings become broader at the base, where they attach to the body. Damselfly wings, on the other hand, are more slender and taper toward the base, where they attach to the body.
- While the wings of dragonflies and damselflies are a key distinction between the two, how they position their wings while not in flight further helps tell them apart. When not in flight, a dragonfly’s wings stick straight out, perpendicular to their body like an airplane’s wings. A damselfly’s wings fold back so they are in line with their body, giving them a more sleek, slender appearance at rest.
I never really thought about it but am willing to put in the research to find out.
Dragonfly vs. Damselfly
- Damselflies;
hold their wings together and upright, while dragonflies will hold their wings open or down. If wings are pinched together and held upright, it is likely a damselfly. If the wings are out, it is likely a dragonfly!
- The eyes of a damselfly round and protrude on either side of the head whereas the dragonfly has eyes lie flat on the head.
- Dragonflies tend to be larger and have different shaped wings whereas damselflies are smaller in shape and their wings (forewings and hindwings)are close to the same shape.
Members of the insect order Odonata include not only the true dragonflies but also a closely related group known as damselflies. The order includes roughly 5,900 species, of which about 3,000 are dragonflies (suborder Epiprocta, infraorder Anisoptera), and about 2,600 are damselflies (suborder Zygoptera).
Dragonflies and damselflies are often confused with one another because they share many characteristics, including membranous wings, large eyes, slender bodies, and small antennae. In general, dragonflies are studier, thicker-bodied insects, while damselflies have longer, thinner bodies.